Before starting anything let me try to show you my happiness in my word. Recently I have saw Fiverr ads on Facebook and some other websites and I found that my GIG was at the first position in its ads. At that time I was so happy.
But One thing strikes in my mind that I have followed all the guidelines which are provided by Fiverr at the time of publishing my GIG.
After thinking some time I have decided to share all the tricks and strategies of ranking Fiverr Gig with you at no cost.
So In this post, You are going to gain my all knowledge of how to make GIG on Fiverr by following its all guidelines. I will give you complete basic to advance insights into it.
By using My Tips and Tricks you can get its benefits in 3 directions:-
1). Either you will start ranking on the first page on related keywords
2). May Be Fiverr will select your gig as a rising star and promote it
3). And the Biggest thing is Your gig may be selected by Fiverr in its ads. Means fiver will promote your gig on its ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, or over the internet.
So when your Gig will be run in ads then you will get its benefits from across the internet. In my case, The happiest thing is I am falling into all three categories.
Because My profile has 4 gigs that I have made to implement some research and my knowledge. And the research I have done on my another old Fiverr account( which I have closed now).
After implementing knowledge and research on my Gig, 1 was selected by Fiverr as a rising star, 1 Gig is sponsored by Fiverr in its ads, and all gigs are ranking on some keywords.
Most of the knowledge I have gained about making effective Fiverr GIG are from three places, one from my online trainer, the second one is from the Fiverr webinar and the third one is from self-experiments.
Now I have done with my intro,
So Let’s Jump over the making Most attractable, Most Optimized, Most Engaged, and Fully Followed Fiverr guideline Gig.
Below I just want to make you aware of the buyer’s footprints over Fiverr. Means What is the journey from which all buyers go. It will help you a lot to win him/her.
Because we all know that before selling anything you should understand your customer mindset. And to understand the customer mindset you should put yourself on the place of a customer and then think about what type of gig you will like most and you will purchase.

So Let’s know the buyer’s footprint over Fiverr
- Impression
- Clicks
- Descriptions
- Conversion
Below I am going to explain all 4 footprints one by one
1). Impression: – Impression means your gig will come as a result if someone will search requirement on Fiverr like “micro-niche research”. Each time when your gig will be visible on the Fiverr’s page after the query done by the buyer is count as an impression for your gig.
2). Click: – If your gig will appear on a search result and the buyer will click on your gig then one-click will be count. But the biggest Game is here when the buyer will search than a total 48 gig will appear on the first page now the thing is why the buyer will click on your GIG.
- Your Attractive Title
- Clean and Attractive GIG Image
- Price
So make the good combination of it
3). Description:- After the landing on your GIG conversion game is now in the hand of your description. Because at that time you are not who are describing your gig face to face. But the scene is that buyer will read your gig description and if they found you it exactly what they are looking for then they will think about your gig.
4). Conversion:- Now if your gig description is fulfilling your buyer’s requirement then the buyer will order your gig for your service and they will now become your client. But if your description failed to fulfill your buyer requirement and convince them why you are best for him/her then they will back from your gig.
Now After having the knowledge of Buyer’s footprint on Fiverr one question should come on your mind that how can I make my all footprint perfect for a high chance of Client conversion.
So hold down, below we will learn some 4 Basic checklists to optimize gig. And these are the checklists that Fiverr accepts and expects from any gig publishers.
Checklists to optimize Fiverr GIG:-
- Gig Title
- Search Tags
- Gig Image
- Description
“Thumb Rule is Your Gig Title should be concise, accurately described, and readable. Describe your service accurately what are you providing which will help you to maximize your SEO effectiveness”.
1). Gig Title
Your title should contain the service that you are providing.But before writing and finalizing your gig title
- Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Think like what people may search if they are looking for some service.
- You should be specific about what service you are providing
- Please don’t be too specific otherwise you may lose some client.
Some Example of Good and Bad title of Gig.
“I will do keyword research”
“I will design Logo”
“I will do content writing, this is the best gig”
“I will do low competitive SEO keyword research”
“I will design unique and professional Logo”
“I will do plagiarism free unique content writing”
After looking at the above example ask from yourself, on which gig you would like to click.
So plan you gig title accordingly. Now move on the next point.
2). Search Tag
Search Tag should be related to your GIG. And Please not repeat the same tag multiple times.
Eg: keyword research, niche research, content writing etc.
3). Gig Image Optimization
Fiverr Gig Image Size 610 X 410
Bad Example Of Gig Image

Some Good Example of Gig Image

Point should keep in mind while designing Gig Image
- Your Image should be eye catching.
- Image should describe your gig title.
- Text should less than 20% of the size of Image.
- Use title related only one graphics
- Try to avoid price on Gig Image
4). Description
The Last and most important part of your gig to convert buyers into your client is the description of your GIG.
Focus on these two points when you are writing your gig description
- Your gig description should convince your potential buyer to buy your gig. So please write on focusing on why they should buy your gig and how your gig is best suitable for their expectation.
- Spelling and Grammar of your gig matters. It means your gig should show professionalism and error-free.
And 5 points which should consider by you in your gig description. Follow this from top to bottom during the preparation of your GIG. Below you are your buyer.
- Why you need this service
- how it will be beneficial for you by solving your problem and why you need it to become successful.
- How you will help the client to solve their problems means should write here your workflow and process.
- What would be your end product? This means what are you going to deliver to the client.
- At last, you mention your qualifications.
See below the one perfect description by keeping above 5 points in mind
It is very good to see you that before starting your blog or service you are looking for someone who can give you micro-niche.
I have seen that 90-95% of peoples just start a website in a very competitive market without proper micro-niche and keyword research. And also they burn money a lot. You will be saved here by this wrong step.
Hey, In every niche there are still low competitive micro-niche which I will give you after research in this service. On which you can rank easily and double your business in a low effort.
After my complete research process, I will give you a colorful excel sheet that will contain
1. Low competitive kws list
2. The monthly volume of each keyword
3. CPC of KWs
4. Difficulty of Kws
5. Kws Intent
And Will Give you other sheets that contain your competitor’s details like
1. Total Number of backlink
2. Total referring domain
3. Total ranking kws etc.
I am Prakash, having 3+ years of expertise in micro-niche and keywords research and I have already turned 50+ small businesses into larger ones.
If you have any query feel free to ask.
100% satisfaction guarantee 🙂
Above was the example of gig descriptions. Now if still you have some query related to gig setup then feel free to do comment. I will try to help you as much as I can 🙂